Volunteer Opportunities
Summer Camp Counselor
Become a volunteer at a camp for kids with Muscular Dystrophy! (more info to come soon)
Health Occupations and Explorations Program (HOPE)
Become a mentor for a high school student who is interested in healthcare! Provide a helping hand and listening ear and assist the student with researching career opportunities.
Please contact Veronica Cox at VCox@uwhealth.org for more information.
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Madison
RMHC is always looking for great people to volunteer within the house to support families who are staying there with children in the hospital. Duties include checking in families, communication between the hospital and families, cleaning the house and assisting with overall house operations.
Please contact Tara Hensley at thensley@rmhcmadison.org for more information.
Capitol Lakes
Capitol Lakes is a retirement community and long-term care facility here in Madison near Capitol Square. There are tons of great opportunities to volunteer and a variety of positions available.
Visit http://www.volunteeryourtime.org/need/detail/?need_id=143557 for more information.
UW Health and The American Family Children’s Hospital
UW and AFCH have a huge variety of volunteer opportunities for people interested in all areas of healthcare. Please note that you must attend an orientation session and a placement interview for a position so it is a serious commitment.
Please contact volunteer.services@uwhealth.org for more information
Unity Point Health- Meriter
Meriter has a large variety of available position for people interested in all areas of healthcare.
Please contact MSN_Volunteer@unitypoint.org for more information
SSM Health- St. Mary’s
St. Mary's offers unique volunteer experiences on units that cover all different specialities. Additionally, they also seek volunteers for the Ronald McDonald House Family Room which is an important part of providing guests with a comfortable and homelike hospital experience.
Please fill out the following application if you are interested:
SMART Recovery Training
If you are looking to make a direct impact through volunteering then SMART Recovery Training is for you. Become well trained on how to hold sessions both in person and online in the Madison area discussing addictive behaviors with those who are currently struggling with an addiction in a group setting.
For more information please visit:
Home Health United Hospice Volunteering
Get a unique experience by volunteering in a variety of ways with Home Health United's Hospice Program. Provide direct support to patients or even help with administrative tasks.
For more information about available positions and applications please visit:
Agrace Palliative Care
Agace has a fantastic volunteer program and is known for its volunteer appreciation. Join the amazing team and help to make the life of patience and families slightly easier by providing support in an unimaginable time. Be apart of the wonderful and compassionate experience that Agace provides to its patients and families.
For more information please visit: https://www.agrace.org/volunteer/
Tutors needed for Chemistry 103/104, Math 211/221/222, Biology 151, Physics 103/207, and Stats 301/371
Sign up here: http://www.guts.wisc.edu/AM_SIGNUP.html
Know a great opportunity for HOSA members? Please email our Community Relations Co-Chairs at community.hosauw@gmail.com